As World Environment Day Highlights Solutions To Plastic Pollution, Creativity Abounds

As World Environment Day Highlights Solutions To Plastic Pollution, Creativity Abounds

The current year’s Reality Climate Day on 5 June, the 50th commemoration of one of the biggest worldwide stages for ecological public effort, saw a large number of individuals from around the world meet up to bring issues to light of answers for battle plastic contamination.

This year’s event, which was hosted by Côte d’Ivoire with support from the Netherlands, saw participation from more than 150 nations.

In his message for World Environment Day, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that it will require a society-wide approach to combat plastic pollution. To break our dependence on plastics, promote zero waste, and establish a truly circular economy, governments, businesses, and consumers alike must collaborate.

In an address on World Environment Day, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged consumers, businesses, and governments to “break our addiction to plastics.” Côte d’Ivoire’s efforts to combat plastic pollution were highlighted at a number of events in Abidjan.

UNEP Chief Inger Andersen and Côte d’Ivoire’s Service of Climate pioneers visited the Ébérie Tidal pond to examine endeavors to address plastic waste.

At the Africa CEO Forum in Abidjan, plastic pollution solutions were on the agenda for business leaders from across the continent. Françoise Remarck, Clergyman of Culture and Francophonie, additionally opened a craftsmanship show entitled Polymers, Workmanship, Plastics at the Abobo Exhibition hall of Contemporary Craftsmanship and Culture. It included fashion, paintings, sculptures, and other creative works made from plastic waste.

All over the planet, mindfulness raising activities, including, ocean side clean-ups, brandishing and local area occasions, featured the worldwide force toward a daily existence cycle way to deal with plastic.

To commemorate World Environment Day, British cyclist Kate Strong rode a handmade bamboo bike 4,800 kilometers.

While UN Peacekeeping Forces from the UK, Argentina, and Slovakia collected plastic waste throughout the UN buffer zone in Cyprus, Indian film stars and musicians launched the music video TikTik Plastic, which called for action to be taken against plastic pollution.

World Environment Day messages were broadcast on airports, public transportation systems, billboards in Times Square and Piccadilly Circus, as well as in China, Indonesia, the United States, Chile, and other countries.

In the meantime, global celebrities like Karry Wang, Liu Tao, Ellie Goulding, Jason Momoa, Chris Lee, Antonio Banderas, Aidan Gallagher, Antoinette Taus, and Dia Mirza utilized their platforms to call for a rethink in the manner in which we design, produce, consume, and dispose of plastic. Other celebrities included Dia Mirza and Aidan Gallagher.

The hashtags #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatPlasticPollution trended at number one and two, respectively, on Twitter, and World Environment Day content was also seen more than 200 million times across languages and platforms.

Following the recent conclusion of a second round of negotiations on a global agreement to end plastic pollution in Paris as part of the International Negotiating Committee process, the topic of this World Environment Day is particularly timely.

Read the Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide to learn more about how you can help solve the problem of plastic pollution.

About World Environment Day World Environment Day is the most important international environmental day on June 5. Driven by UNEP and held yearly starting around 1973, the occasion has become the biggest worldwide stage for natural effort, with a large number of individuals from across the world drawing in to safeguard the planet.